As we gear up to raise more money for Valour-IT, here's a reminder of why it matters so much.
Many of you may have already read about SFC Buzz Robertson, who received a laptop from Valour-IT. When Buzz's mother heard about the laptop's arrival, she wrote:
"I can't believe it but I just called to talk to my son to see how he was doing and he said the Angels for Soldiers delivered a Dell Laptop today!!! This is really incredible! The love and support..."
The excitement and joy she seemed to feel, simply from hearing that her son now had a laptop from Soldiers' Angels, jumped out at me. It reminded me that when a soldier is wounded, he is not the only one who suffers. Those who love him suffer, too. And when we can ease his burdens a bit, we are also easing the burdens of those who love him.
Today I received an email from Buzz's mother. She said that Buzz reports having the laptop has made staying at the hospital more tolerable (as theorized during the development of Valour-IT). It turns out that the laptop is also becoming an important factor in his treatment because besides using it to stay in contact with friends and loved ones while he's hospitalized, he and his wife are using it to gather information on the latest research about spinal cord injuries.
This is just one story... one soldier whose burden of hospitalization is more tolerable, who has a little more control over his life and future as he faces the challenges of his injuries.
So far we have purchased forty laptops--we have the capacity to assist forty soldiers. Considering the kind of impact this can have on each wounded soldier (and family) who receives a laptop, that's not nearly enough.
Let's make it happen for another soldier... and another... and another. Here's how we do it.
Cross-posted at Valour-IT Blog
Linked at Stop the ACLU and Mudville Gazette open posts.
18 October, 2005
Buzz Robertson and Valour-IT
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4:12 PM
Categories Those Who Serve, Valour-IT