I haven't posted much this month, for a number a reasons. So, here's something to keep you busy. As some of you know, I spent a lot of time in January and February interviewing the senior brass of the 3rd Infantry Division (about one per week), which led to some related interviews.
I keep getting bumped off MG Lynch's schedule, but the PAO swears she'll fit me in before they redeploy. I'm also hoping to have a one-on-one with someone working MITT in 3ID's AO who can talk about their Iraqi mentored units' experiences in Basra. In the meantime, here are all the interview reports I posted over at The Castle, in chronological order:
Live from Iraq I - COL Mark McKnight, Chief of Staff
Live from Iraq II - CSM Jesse Andrews, Division Command Sergeant Major
Redevelopment and Reconciliation - BG Edward Cardon, Asst. Division Commander
On Iraq's Economic Development - Ambassador Charles Ries
No News is Good News - BG Jim Huggins, Deputy Commanding General
A Canadian In Iraq - LTC Darryl Mills, Deputy Chief of Staff
Btw, I'm now officially a co-blogger over at The Castle--got my own login and everything--so I'm going to be interested to see if that does or doesn't affect my blogging here. I just haven't been very inspired lately, and a lot of my work right now involves writing and editing so blogging isn't all that appealing sometimes.
Anyway, check out the interviews if you haven't seen them already. Many of them are in multiple parts, so you may not have seen the entire thing the first time around. And keep your eyes open for the two upcoming interviews I mentioned above!
UPDATE: The MITT interview has been scrapped, but I finally have a firm time for the MG Lynch one--May 8th.
20 April, 2008
Posted by
10:28 PM