A Christmas (Epiphany) story of a different sort...
Chuck Ziegenfuss, the guy whose wounds started us down the path of Valour-IT, was back prowling the halls of Walter Reed a week ago in preparation for yet another surgery. Each time he goes back, he literally searches the wards for people who need Valour-IT.
This time he found three amazing men in Ward 57 who have given him permission to share their stories. Here's one:
Bruce shared his address, and Chuck asks that we send him Christmas presents and other supportive things, even though it's already December 26. As Chuck says, "The suck that goes along with being in the hospital on Christmas lasts longer than the 25th of December. Be sure to show this to everyone who says 'I want to help but don't know how...'" Here's the address:Bruce...was pretty excited about the Valour-IT laptops, and really excited about this post and picture, because as he put it: “I hope the enemy does read your blog. They’ll see me and it’ll be a great big “Up yours! You missed, you failed, I’m still here!”
Wounded, bedridden, and still trying to take the fight to the enemy.
SPC Bruce Dunlap
Ward 57
Walter Reed Amy Medical Center
6900 Georgia Ave. NW
Washington DC 20307
But don't stop there. Chuck also has the stories of a generous medic named Stephen , and a courageous lieutenant being tended by his brother. Go read the rest of Chuck's post about the Three Kings, then help these spirited men down the long road to recovery.
And yes, the laptops will be delivered by January 6, the Feast of Epiphany. Or as it is known in many countries... "Three Kings Day." Now, don't forget to go read Chuck's entire post.