Soldiers' Angels has come up with another wonderful way to Support the Troops--the Deployed Family Support Group:
This team will provide TLC to all family members; (i.e., wives, husbands, and/or friends) in need of encouragement and support [during deployments]. Support will be provided primarily through E-Mail and electronic communications. Taking care of family members who have been left behind by their deployed loved one is just one small way Soldiers' Angels demonstrates our gratitude for the sacrifices families are making, not only for us, but for future generations as well.Soldiers' Angels has long done things to support the familes of the deployed, such as Operation Topknot and periodic financial assistance in purchasing housing, groceries, etc. for young military families in need while their soldiers are deployed. However, this program will focus largely on offering "moral support" and encouragement to those suffering the challenges and worries of the homefront during a wartime deployment.
If you or someone you know might benefit from this program (particularly National Guard or Reserve families who usually do not have the personal support network of daily interactions with fellow military families), please contact Rene Jurgensen at Family Support Group or Deployed Family Support.
Congrats to Soldiers' Angels for another great program!
H/T Smalltown Veteran