Say what you will about their beer, Anheuser-Busch knows how to support the troops. I received the following from a member of the Military Order of the Purple Heart leadership this morning (I know it's been publicized before, but just in case there are people who haven't heard about it...):
THANKS FROM ANHEUSER-BUSCH: Each active-duty military personnel or drilling reservist (and up to three dependents) is eligible to receive one free pass in 2006 to an Anheuser Busch theme park. This is not a gimmick. It is Anheuser-Busch's way of giving back to those who have sacrificed so much for our country. It's a fun way to spend a day, and you can almost afford to eat at the park, since you got in for nothing. Eligible participants are required to register online at or at the park's entrance. Department of Defense photo identification is required.
AB's parks include Sea World and Busch Gardens locations. Click here for a list.
20 June, 2006
This Bud's for the Troops
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6:52 AM
Categories Support the Troops