04 July, 2006

Planning for the Fourth

[John of Argghhh! linked me before I had my official 4th of July post up. You can find it here, and another one here.]

Last July 4th I was moving from Phoenix to the Arizona outback I lived in for the last 11 months but this year I have time to plan and a city to explore.

Here are the parameters:

Location: San Diego metropolitan area (North County)
Local social circle: nobody but my mother's friends
Finances: willing to spend up to $50
Context: As usual these days I'm very aware of the dual streams of the idyllic Norman Rockwellesque 4th of firecrackers and picnics against the gritty and often-painful realities of warfighters and war. Lex described similar thoughts last year.
Any suggestions for a good way to spend the 4th of July in SoCal?