22 January, 2008


[UPDATE II: Welcome, Stand To readers! The "perfect job" I mention below would be an entry-level position in a military-related non-profit. I've been associated with the field for several years in a variety of volunteer capacities, including co-founding Project Valour-IT (2,0000 laptops distributed and $650,000+ raised so far, effective public relations), over 250 receptionist hours with my local airport USO, and international awards for my "troop support" blogging/websites.]

While I'm looking for the perfect job, I am trying to untangle my teaching certification so that I can earn good money as a substitute teacher.

Good news: It's taken weeks to figure out, but my out-of-state, expired, preliminary certification will transfer (it's gonna take awhile to pull all the elements for the application together, but it's looking good).

Bad news: It's going to take the #$&*%(*$ Peoples' Republic of California three months to process my application. Were I not a previously-certified teacher, I could get in under the "certification/training in progress" plan and not have to spend a month cajoling paperwork out of 5 different out-of-state schools/agencies. But it would still take three months to process my application.

I think I'll go beat my head against the wall. Again.

I am such an idiot. I have got to focus on planning ahead and planning for contingencies. If I had done this "just in case" 18 months ago when I moved here, I would be living on easy street right now.


Update: The state is supposedly experiencing a teacher shortage. Good thing they make it so easy for teachers to work here, hunh? /sarcasm