This is the last day for nominations (they end at midnight, eastern); voting on the top five in each category starts tomorrow. I thought I'd take some time to highlight a few that I think are worthy of more attention. You can nominate more than one in each category, so please consider helping bump these into the top five (register to nominate/vote here. Click on each category heading below to see all the nominees):
The War on Big Tobacco - My new favorite after the demise of Kaboom, currently just barely out of 5th place in a very competitive category. I'm going to have a hard time voting for just one when the time comes.
Air Force
There are currently only five nominees. Know any more who should be nominated?
The Destroyermen, CDR Salamander, Steeljaw Scribe and Information Dissemination are all worthies and within range of the top five. Neptunus Lex could use a boost, too. This is another great category with a lot of superb blogs.
Marine Corps
From the Halls to the Shores and our my dear Sergeant B's The Gun Line are on the edge of the top five.
There are currently only five nominees. Know any more who should be nominated?
This is another tight field, but Michael Yon and Thunder Run are currently within range and deserve a boost.
I've got too many friends and friends-of-friends to point out just one, so I'll go the maximum-impact direction and point out that IMHO the group blog SpouseBUZZ should be leading the way.
This is another category where I feel pulled in every direction. I'm very happy to see USO Girls making a good showing, but Soldiers' Angels Germany and Gazing at the Flag (which is barely hanging on to 5th) certainly deserve a nomination, too.
Please help these worthy bloggers get a bit more attention.
10 September, 2008
Milbloggies - Last Day for Nominations
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8:27 AM