31 October, 2005

The Valour-IT Fundraising Competition

Readers of Michelle Malkin, welcome! Click here to learn more about Valour-IT or make a donation. If you'd like to join the fundraising competition, read on...

UPDATED UPDATE: Team Leaders are Holly Aho (Marines), Blackfive (Army), and Mrs. Greyhawk (Air Force), and Mrs. Smash (Navy).

To get team credit for a donation, you must donate via the "To Donate" button on the website of your team leader (This takes you to the proper Valour-IT PayPal donation page).
Donations made via the regular Valour-IT website will not be part of your team's official competition total, though they will still go to the Valour-IT program. Any blogger (military or civilian) can join any team. Just visit the websites linked above.


Valour-IT's online fundraising competition is just around the corner! Let's see who can raise the most money to help reconnect our wounded warriors with the world!

WHAT: Friendly fundraising competition for Valour-IT.
WHEN: November 2nd through Veterans Day (the 11th).
WHERE: Based in the blogosphere, spreading everywhere else.
WHY: Because giving wounded warriors with hand and arm injuries access to a computer supports their healing and puts them back in touch with the world.
HOW: Blogger teams will be divided along military branches, with civilians "up for grabs." Prospective team leaders were approached yesterday Wednesday (waiting for replies). When the leadership is announced, you will have the opportunity to join the team of your choice.

Additional information: every donor during this time will receive a Soldiers' Angels Coin. We are also working on providing T-shirts for larger donations.

What Valour-IT Needs From You:

  • Join a team when the time comes
  • Blog regularly about Valour-IT and the competition
  • Tell your friends, family and neighbors about Valour-IT
  • Put up these flyers around your community
  • Give us suggestions: help us name this competition.
  • Help us purchase T-Shirt incentives if you can (Valour-IT is committed to spending all direct donations on the voice-controlled laptops and Soldier's Angels is in a financial pinch. So, we are looking for people willing to make a donation directly to Soldier's Angels expressly for use in purchasing T-Shirts to use as incentives. Please email FbL if you can help).
A Note to My Beloved and Hard-charging Marines:

Before you make me dash for the bunker, ducking incoming fire all the way, hear me out... In determining the composition of the teams, the existence of a big blogger who could lead each team was an important factor. The fact that there is no non-deployed Marine blogger with a huge readership is a big disadvantage in fundraising. With that in mind, the decision was made to combine the Navy and Marine bloggers into a single team to keep things competitive.

However, I know that Marines specialize in doing the "impossible," and doing it with less. SO... if you want to put together a Marines-only team (plus supporters) and enter the competition that way, Go For It!

Linked at Mudville Gazette's Open Post