Skip this if you hate whining or begging (I hate both).
Bad News One: Working closely with children in a "new" environment means that for the third time in 2.5 months I'm too sick to work. Bad News Two: I'm not eligible for sick leave/benefits until May, so I've now missed two consecutive days of income.Put that together with the MilBlog Conference, and all the money two very generous people gave me awhile back to help cover miscellaneous conference costs (haircut, meals, tips, Metro ticket, etc) long ago flew out the window in health-related costs.
So, if you find this blog informative, thought provoking or just plain enjoyable, please consider dropping a little something in the tip jar; it'll be appreciated more than you can know (tip jar contributions are anonymous). Thanks.
--Signing off to go lay on the floor until my lunch is over