Times are tough right now, in more than just financial ways. Anxiety is high, and I suspect many people are looking forward to Thanksgiving as a respite from political, economic, and future-related worries.
On the good side, Iraq seems to be winding down... some have even declared victory. Yet fighting continues in Afghanistan, and victory in Iraq doesn't speed the recovery of those who left pieces of themselves on the battlefield in pursuit of the amazing achievements America's men and women have made there.
But here's the question: have you done enough? Have you donated what you could? Did you download a flyer and put it up in various places in your community? Have you emailed your friends and family? Did you give up something last week to give to the troops?We have four more days. Four more days to make sure Soldiers' Angels Project Valour-IT can replicate the following as many times as needed...
Help a wounded soldier make the transition:
Recently I received a computer thanks to your program. I am a patient at Brooke Army Medical center, having served in both Iraq and Afghanistan. The computer is a wonderful gift and will really help me communicate, prepare for a job (resumes and things), among other things as I recover.
Thanks again,
US Army
Motivate actions that support recovery while reminding the wounded they are loved and appreciated:
I am a Marine that was wounded in Iraq...I recently received a laptop....I can't tell you how thankful I am to have support from organizations such as yourself. It really lets me know that there are people out there that still care about the troops and what they are sacrificing for this country. I appreciate what you have done for me and having this laptop is actually good therapy for my hand. Once again thank you and I am proud to serve this country knowing there are people like you that I am protecting.
LCpl Andrew
I wanted to express my gratitude for the computer I was given by all of you. Words cannot convey how very much this means to me. I have never had a laptop before, and being an E-4 I would not have been able to afford one for some time to come. All of you are Godsends. Thank you so much. I wish there was some way I could repay you for this. Thank you again.
Most Sincerely,Specialist WU.S.Army
Directly support recovery:
My neurology team is ecstatic with the progress that I have made...I have become more mobile in my rehabilitation and the laptop is absolutely one of the tools that I have in my recovery toolbox. I use it to keep current on my schedule and have several applications that assist with recovery.
Lieutenant Colonel X
Restore confidence and a feeling of competence:
It was the first time I felt whole since I’d woken up wounded in Landstuhl.
--Chuck Z
Provide physical therapists with a tool that aids recovery:
We are aware of many colleagues throughout the Veterans Affairs medical system who have developed dynamic Wii programs in multiple areas, including PolyTrauma, Spinal Cord Injury/Traumatic Brain Injury, and Long Term Care...Wii gaming has great potential for physical, mental and emotional well-being. We are delighted to receive this support from Soldiers' Angels."
--Chief of Physical Medicine Rehabilitation for the VA in eastern Colorado
As a supporter of Valour-IT recently wrote, "When you sit down at the table next Thursday, do say a prayer of thanks. But between now and then, why not make an actual offering of thanks?" Because supporting the troops isn't just something that makes you and them feel warm and fuzzy inside... It's the right thing to do.