As always, it was wonderful to see dear friends whom I get to see all too infrequently. The downtime was awesome and the company was superb. But, Las Vegas itself? I have to admit, I agree with AWTM. Still, a fabulous weekend--even if between talking over the noise of the exhibit hall, shouting to be heard in the bars, and probably inhaling the secondhand equivalent of a couple packs of cigarettes, I've lost my voice.
The great weekend didn't start off on the right foot, though...
On Friday afternoon we Soldiers' Angels found ourselves (due to a miscommunication) needing to remove and sort our items from the already-filled goody bags, then assemble our packets and place them in the 150 bags... with only two people who had 2.5 hours to do that plus make copies and set up the display.
No, we didn't make it. So, back to the conference at 8 a.m. on Saturday with the awesome Lizz (Soldiers' Angels Nevada State Coordinator) and her husband. We soon took on the appearance of whirling dervishes. A Soldiers' Angels Board of Trustees member showed up with the question, "How can I help?" and was put immediately to work. And shortly after 10:00 when the exhibit floor opened, the equally awesome John and Beth Donovan and Greta dropped by the booth. I ordered them around and they happily and energetically complied. Together we got the final bags done, and I spent a few minutes with Lizz to make sure she was set before racing for the Milblog Panel, dabbing makeup on the way. I missed Lieutenant General Caldwell's presentation, but I cannot imagine what would've happened without all those wonderful milbloggers who worked so hard and let me boss them around. I love you guys!!
Still, Soldiers' Angels had great representation. Lizz and her local angels were wonderful. I think Lizz's angel wings singlehandedly (single-double-wingedly?) drove people to our booth simply with her attention-getting presence. We made some awesome contacts for Soldiers' Angels, and helped many of our bigger supporters in the milblog world learn more about the amazing variety of things SA is doing these days. I also got to do a podcast with Ward Carroll, editor of (not posted yet), featuring my hoarse, sexy, temporarily-alto voice.
The content of the panels was great (it's fascinating to look at the arc of DoD/Army engagement with us over the years), and I'll blog it in a separate post. But there were also some laughs, too. Blackfive was a near-constant target--the price of celebrity--and the best moment was when in the middle of a panel someone (Greyhawk, IIRC?) implied with a raised eyebrow that just might be turning MSM. Fightin' words, of course--Matt stood up and started to take off his jacket in preparation for climbing over the table to defend his honor.
And then there were the parties...
I hear there was some kind of event Friday night that produced hilarious pictures (including blackmail material that show things that are entirely innocent but don't look even remotely so), but I don't really know anything about it, since I never would be caught dead in such a facility, of course. Let's just say that Laughing Wolf could make either Valour-IT or himself very rich...
On Saturday night we started out at the Las Vegas Hilton, where surprisingly we did not burst into flames upon crossing the threshold. Chuck righted the Karma by turning $10 into $50 in five minutes at the card tables. And when about 20 of us milbloggers stopped at the buffet all at once, they put us in the VIP room with the open beer and wine bar, of which we took full advantage. Somehow I suspect things would've been different if they'd known just whom they were entertaining...
"Planet Hollywood is just off the monorail stop at Bally's," Chuck and Carren assured me after dinner. "It's a short walk." So what if I was wearing brand new 2.5 inch leather heels, right? Three miles later I limped into Planet Hollywood after having staggered through Bally's, Paris, and half The Strip. But the company more than made up for it as I curled up barefoot in a big chair in one of the bars and jabbered at Jack Holt and Ward Carroll, among others who put up with me. Jimbo entertained us by identifying the bridal parties who were looking for a night of "adventure" (want to know what men really think of women who try to keep up with the worst of men in public sexual aggressiveness and drunkenness? Hang out with men in a bar and people-watch, and you'll find out), and AWTM had us nearly peeing our pants from laughter. Poor thing apparently had been terribly traumatized by her experiences the night before: "I'm a nurse. I know what saw. I know what they were doing," she assured us in her wonderful Nebraska accent and with a righteous finger wagging. However, she also threatened me with her Judo moves. I was terrified, I tell you. Terrified.
And on the topic of Matt's celebrity... how many of you girls can say you've been given a noogie by Blackfive, huh? Just about a perfect evening.
Sunday evening was quieter, and I had the chance to spend some laid back time with the always wonderful Holly Aho. We talked shop (Soldiers' Angels) a bit, but she led me to some of the best food I had in Vegas--a wonderful quiet(!) Italian restaurant at Excalibur. Breakfast the following morning with the always affable and easygoing Denizennes Barb and BCR topped off a wonderful weekend. They bossed me around and refused to let me treat them, but they also listened to me babble and didn't interrupt, so I guess I can forgive them...
All in all, a terrific weekend. I met a lot of new and very nice people, though I again had the disconcerting experience of being "known" by people I'd never met, or never even knew read my blog. But they were all very nice and lots of fun, even if they did tease me. Wolf is cool as a cucumber and a real sweetheart, and T1G and Zonker are a riot. The USO Girls were great too, and Toby was another sweetheart. They and all the other new faces were a joy to meet. And so many of my "old" friends were there that I couldn't possibly spend enough time with them all: Grim, Maggie, Carrie, Andi, Greyhawks, and many others: I wish we could've had more time.
By the way, a few of you were definitely missed. Hmm... seems the Naval contingent was a bit weak this year. Early word on the street is that the Milblog Conference will be back to DC next year. Hope to see you there!
23 September, 2008
Milblog Conference 2008: The Personal Side
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7:21 PM
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